Citizens of Heaven on Earth

September 2021
Date Title
12th Strangers welcomed inJoshua 2:1-24Andrew Cox
26th Witnesses of God's wordJoshua 3:1-17Nigel Cox
October 2021
Date Title
3rd Witnesses of God's sovereigntyJoshua 4:1-24John Phillips
10th Celebrating God's covenantJoshua 5:1-15Paul Rogerson
17th Faith can move mountainsJoshua 6:1-27Nigel Cox
24th God's holiness revealedJoshua 7:1-26Mike Williams
31st God's blessing restoredJoshua 8:1-35Nigel Paget
November 2021
Date Title
7th Wise as serpents, innocent as dovesJoshua 9:1-27Andrew Grimstone
15th Call on the name of the LordJoshua 10:1-43Daniel Gomes
21st We will serve the LordJoshua 24:1-33Mike Williams